Donor Confidentiality & Privacy Policy

Donor Confidentiality

Donoí P“coíds: G“n“íal Sfaf“m“nf

Donoi iecoids aie fiaintained by Classioofi Cential foi each financial and in-kind contiibutoi in the oiganization’s donoi database. 6ll donoi iecoids aie consideied confidential and piopiietaiy. The systefis adfiinistiatoi הill lifiit access to ceitain files based upon individuals’ iesponsibilities and

job tasks. While papei files containing donoi infoifiation aie lifiited, at no tifie aie donoi iecoids to leave the Classioofi Cential offices. Copying and piinting of donoi iecoids foi peisonal use and the tiansfiittal of donoi infoifiation (including but not lifiited to ciedit caid nufibeis oi bank account infoifiation) to peisonal efiail addiesses is stiictly piohibited. Papei files containing confidential donoi docufients fiust be secuied in locked filing cabinets. 6ny efiployee הhose הoik iequiies access to confidential docufients should ensuie that files aie ietuined to theii secuie location.

Peisons הho knoהingly obtain unauthoiized access to confidential infoifiation הill be subject to discipline, up to and including teifiination.

Privacy Policy

Classioofi Cential iespects and values the piivacy of its constituents. This Piivacy Notice desciibes the types of peisonal infoifiation הe collect, hoה הe fiay use that infoifiation, and הith הhofi

הe fiay shaie it. Oui Piivacy Notice also desciibes the fieasuies הe take to piotect the secuiity of the infoifiation. In addition, הe desciibe the choices available about hoה הe use the infoifiation piovided to us. Constituents can update contact infoifiation, be iefioved fiofi oui fiailing list, oi inquiie at any tifie about oui piivacy piactices.

Classioofi Cential collects and uses infoifiation to cofifiunicate about oui seivices, piofiotions,

piogiafis and events, and to custofiize oui cofifiunications in those aieas. We also collect

infoifiation to enable people to fiake donations to Classioofi Cential. The הays הe obtain infoifiation, the types of infoifiation הe obtain and hoה infoifiation is used is desciibed beloה:

P“gisf“í foí Ouí N“wsl“ff“í. When you ask us to send you oui neהslettei, you piovide us הith youi efiail addiess so הe can fulfill youi iequest.

Confacf Us Link. If you contact us via oui הebsite, הe fiay ask you foi infoifiation such as youi nafie, addiess and efiail addiess so הe can iespond to youi questions oi cofifients. Unless you

consent, הe do not ietain this infoifiation except to iespond to youi inquiiies.

W“bsif“. Like fiany agencies, הe use cookies and log files on oui הebsite. Cookies aie sfiall text files that הebsites often stoie on the cofiputei haid diives of visitois to theii sites. 6 cookie contains a unique code, הhich is used to iecognize youi cofiputei הhen a usei of youi cofiputei ietuins to

a הebsite that הas visited pieviously. Log files aie sfiall text files that הebsites autofiatically cieate

הhen a usei visits a site. We use cookies and log files to enhance the online expeiience of oui visitois

and to bettei undeistand hoה oui site is used. Cookies and log files fiay tell us, foi exafiple, הhethei you have visited oui site befoie oi הhethei you aie a neה visitoi. The “help” poition of the toolbai on fiost bioהseis הill tell you hoה to stop accepting neה cookies, hoה to be notified הhen you ieceive

a neה cookie, and hoה to disable existing cookies. Pefiefibei, though, הithout cookies, you fiay not

be able to take full advantage of all oui הebsite featuies.