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Advantage Academy Elementary
Alafia Elementary
Alexander Elementary
Alonso High School
Anderson Elementary
Apollo Beach K-8 School
Armwood High School
B.T. Washington Elementary
Bailey Elementary
Ballast Point Elementary
Barrington Middle School
Bay Crest Elementary
Bellamy Elementary
Belmont Elementary
Benito Middle School
Bevis Elementary
Bing Elementary
Blake High School
Bloomingdale High School
Boyette Springs Elementary
Brandon EPIC3 Center
Brandon High School
Bridgeprep Academy
Brooker Elementary
Broward Elementary
Bryan Elementary-Plant City
Bryant Elementary
Buchanan Middle School
Buckhorn Elementary
Building Construction Academy at Bowers-Whitley
Burnett Middle School
Burney Elementary
Burns Middle School
Caminiti Exceptional Center
Cannella Elementary
Carrollwood K-8 School
Carver Exceptional Ctr
Chamberlain High School
Chiaramonte Elementary
Chiles Elementary
Cimino Elementary
Citrus Park Elementary
Clair Mel Elementary
Clark Elementary
Claywell Elementary
Coleman Middle School
Collins PK-8 School
Colson Elementary
Columbus Juvenile Residential
Cork Elementary
Corr Elementary
Creekside Charter School K-8
Crestwood Elementary
Cypress Creek Elementary
Davidsen Middle School
Davis Elementary
Deer Park Elementary
DeSoto Elementary
Detention Center West
Dickenson Elementary
Doby Elementary
Dorothy C York PK-8 Magnet School
Dorothy Thomas School
Dover Elementary
Dowdell Middle School
Dr Carter G Woodson PK-8 School
Dunbar Elementary Magnet
Durant High School
East Bay High
Edison Elementary
Egypt Lake Elementary
Eisenhower ESE K-12
Eisenhower Middle School
Essrig Elementary
Excelsior Prep Charter School K-5
Falkenburg Road Jail
Farnell Middle School
Ferrell Middle School- Magnet
FishHawk Creek Elementary
Florida Autism Center of Excellence
Focus Academy
Folsom Elementary
Forest Hills Elementary
Foster Elementary
Franklin Middle School- Magnet
Freedom High School
Frost Elementary
Gaither High School
Gibsonton Elementary
Giunta Middle School
Gorrie Elementary
Grady Elementary
Graham Elementary
Greco Middle School
Hammond Elementary
Henderson Hammock Charter K-8
Heritage Elementary
Hill Middle School
Hillsborough County School District
Hillsborough Education Foundation
Hillsborough Girls Academy
Hillsborough High - Magnet
Hillsborough High School
Hospital & Homebound
Hunter's Green Elementary
Ippolito Elementary
Jackson Elementary
James Elementary
Jefferson High School
Jennings Middle School
Kenly Elementary
Kenneth E. Adum K - 8 School
King High School
Kingswood Elementary
Knights Elementary
Lake Academy
Lake Magdalene Elementary
Lamb Elementary
Lanier Elementary
LaVoy Exceptional Center
Legacy Preparatory Academy K-8
Lennard High
Leto High School
Lewis Elementary
Liberty Middle School
Limona Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Lithia Springs Elementary
Lockhart Elementary Magnet
Lomax Elementary
Lopez Elementary
Lopez ESE Center
Lowry Elementary
Lutz K-8 School
Mabry Elementary
MacFarlane Park Elementary
Madison Middle School
Mango Elementary
Maniscalco K-8 School
Mann Middle School
Marshall Middle School
Martinez Middle School
McDonald Elementary
McKitrick Elementary
Medical Academy at D.W. Waters
Memorial Middle School
Mendenhall Elementary
Middleton High School
Miles Elementary
Mintz Elementary
Mitchell Elementary
Morgan Woods Elementary
Mort Elementary
Muller Elementary
Mulrennan Middle School
Nelson Elementary
New Springs School K-8
Newsome High School
North Tampa EPIC3 Center
Northwest Elementary
Oak Grove Elementary
Oak Park Elementary
Orange Grove Middle School- Magnet
PACE Center for Girls
Palm River Elementary
Patricia J. Sullivan Partnership School
Pepin Academies-Riverview
Pierce Middle School
Pinecrest Elementary
Pizzo K-8 School
Plant City High School
Plant High School
Potter Elementary
Pride Elementary
Progress Village Middle School- Magnet
Rampello K-8 Downtown Partnership Magnet
Randall Middle School
RCMA Wimauma Community Academy K-8
Reddick Elementary
Riverhills Elementary Magnet
Riverview Elementary
Riverview High School
Robinson Elementary
Robinson High School
Robles Elementary
Rodgers Middle Magnet School
Roland Park K-8 Magnet School
Roosevelt Elementary
Ruskin Elementary
Schmidt Elementary
Schwarzkopf Elementary
Seffner Elementary
Seminole Elementary
Seminole Heights Charter School 9-12
Sessums Elementary
Sgt Smith Middle School
Shaw Elementary
Sheehy Elementary
Shields Middle School
Shore Elementary
Sickles High School
Simmons Career Acceleration Academy
Simmons Exceptional Center
SLAM Academy at Apollo Beach K-12
SLAM Academy Tampa K-5
Sligh Middle School
South County Career Acceleration Academy
Spoto High
Springhead Elementary
Steinbrenner High School
Stewart Middle School- Magnet
Stowers Elementary
Strawberry Crest High School
Sulphur Springs K-8 Community School
Summerfield Crossing Elem
Summerfield Elementary
Sumner High School
Symmes Elementary
Tampa Bay Blvd Elementary
Tampa Bay Tech
Tampa Heights Elementary
Tampa Palms Elementary
Tampa Residential Facility
Temple Terrace Elementary
The Collaboratory Preparatory Academy K-8
Thompson Elementary
Thonotosassa Elementary
Tinker K-8 School
Tomlin Middle School
Town and Country Elementary
Trapnell Elementary
Turkey Creek Middle School
Turner Bartels K-8 School
Twin Lakes Elementary
Valrico Elementary
Village of Excellence Elementary K-5
Village of Excellence Middle School 6-8
Walden Lake Elementary
Walker Middle School-Magnet
Walton Academy
Warren Hope Dawson Elementary
Webb Middle School
West Shore Elementary
West Tampa Elementary
West University Charter High School 9-12
Westchase Elementary
Wharton High School
Williams Middle School
Willis Peters ESE Center
Wilson Elementary
Wilson Middle School
Wilson Middle School
Wimauma Elementary
Witter Elementary
Woodbridge Elementary
Woodmont Charter School
Yates Elementary
Young Middle School- Magnet
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